Monday, October 5, 2009


Anonymous said...

congratulation , shanti. good work, keep it up

KB Wong said...

Hi Shanti,

Appreciate your hardwork to set up this blog.

Pertaining to the assessment, it's standard that the DBKL (and other town / city council) is charging much higher assessment for condos compare with landed properties.

Actually it's unfair to condo owner (not only OBD), as the city council will spend the assessment recieved for the maintenance & upkeeping of the surrounding public infrastructure of the subject properties.

If we use per square feet income & expense calculations, the city council definitely receive much higher income proportion for condo land compare to their expense incurred.

Not to forget that we still need to pay monthly property management fees, so condo owners are paying too much for much.

For example, I'm a owner of OBD condo which my unit is 1,600ft2 + & I am paying about RM1800 assessment annually & RM5400 for monthly maintenance fees & additional car park, which the condo I assume worth RM500k & rental of RM36k - 40k annually. But you know a bungalow in taman desa of 10000 ft2, they are only paying about RM1000 assessment annually & they pay less than RM1000 annually for the security pattrolling fees (optional) & their property value is easily more than RM4 million & you don't tell me they will received lesser rental income than a condo units.

So we are actually paying 3.6 times more than wealthy bungalow owner or even worst if they opt not to pay security patrolling fees, we will be paying 7.2 times more & maybe they will even come to our OBD to use our swimming pool (just kidding).

Actually city council know very well they are over charging the condo owners but this had been gazetted. So nothing we can actually do unless there is a change of ruling party which we might be able see some light.

KB Wong said...

Hi Shanti,

By the way, I wish to subscribe for a fibre optics internet services for my condo units in OBD which the Internet Service Provider (ISP) already have their infrastructure ready for the whole Taman Desa.

However, OBD management do not allow the ISP to use the telephone riser as the ISP will need to use the riser to lay the fibre optics cable & to put a couple of devices in the riser even the ISP agreed to compensate their part of electricity bills.

My parent house in Taman Desa already use the ISP service for about one year and my sister who is working in IT field very satisfy with the price, speed & stability, she said is much much better than TM Net streamyx 4MB that she use to subscribe & it only cost less than RM100 per month which I paid more than RM150 for my streamyx in OBD. Furthermore, this ISP is not using the same backbone of TM Net which most of the wireless ISP are using. For example, if you remember during around 25 Dec 2008 to 1 Jan 2009, all our internet connection to oversea especially Europe was affected ( but my parent house's internet was not affected.

I have talk to Chen but he said committee members do not agreed them to use the riser.

I wish to use this opportunity to seek all OBD owners to support my proposal to allow the ISP to use the riser which I believe with fibre optics infrastructure available in our condo, it will more or less improve the price or status of our condo and residents at least can have better choice to choose from rather than limit to TM Net streamyx for physical connection ISP.

I will bring up this proposal in coming meeting & I hope will get support from you all.

Remarks: They do not need to have certain numbers of subscribers before they lay their infrastructures, so no worry of too little subscribers. However, I highly recommend this ISP as I have not use so good ISP in Malaysia so far which I had experienced many ISP from old Jaring, Maxis 3.5G wireless broadband for home, ISDN, TM Net Streamyx 4MB & nothing really can compete with this ISP. Declaration: I have no connection whatsoever to this ISP company, it's part of Rimbunan Hijau group.


Good job, Shanti. Let's move on and get more residents to participate.


Refer to issue of high assessment rate raised by KB Wong, I just want to share with all residents that I only pay RM396 p.a. for another condo. unit of 930 sf (market value RM130k) located in Happy Garden. I think our assessment rate was fixed years ago based on the initial launching price of OBD. Since our unit price has came down drastically, the mgt should bring up this issue to local authority for adjustment.

On another issue, I strongly support the idea of upgrading the broadband service quality for the benefit of the entire community. I agree that such service can enhance the image and value of our property.

It is also my experience with the mgt that the committee members are not receptive to any proposals put up by residents. They are only interested in issues initiated by the members. I hope this blog can be used as a platform to voice out our proposals/ideas/suggestions to constantly upgrade the quality of our living in OBD.

Anonymous said...

Hi Shanti,good that you have set up an avenue for obd residents to voice their concerns over how to improve the quality of life in OBD.I am personally curious over Kenny s statement that the mgt committee is not receptive to proposals putup by residents, and only interested in their own ideas.Plse enlighten us.

shanthi s said...

On the DBKL assessment rate, I wonder if we can, as a group (or perhaps our council), write to DBKL to appeal a lower rate. I know the assessment is based on 6% of the annual value (and one of the parameters for deciding the annual value is rental). So if i work it out on my apartment which is 1585 sqft with an annual assessment of RM1,692, that works out to an annual value of RM28,200 (or a monthly rental rate of RM2,350). Is this reflective of the rental OBD units receive? If no, we can write to DBKL. Otherwise, I'm not sure what basis we can use to appeal the rate. I also wonder if efforts in this regard may backfire on us - it's like an announcement that OBD doesn't get fab rental! :)

Yong YK said...

On the DBKL assessment rate, we can start gathering owners and write to DBKL as a start . i dont mind help out this matter where i can. what is step one ? anyone can give some idea ?

seanoon said...

Hi Shanti

Thanks for setting up this blog.
We have also set up on FB -

OBD Garden Tower Condominium Taman Desa Kuala Lumpur Malaysia

Regards Mr KB Wong's Fibre Optics based ISP.
(1) I called and spoke to a lady for more details and her reply was - go check it out on their website. Couldn't even get a meeting with them.
(2) Yes, there is no minimum number of subscribers. So far only you have requested for this ISP. We certainly have to consider what happens when a few more residents wants to use a few other ISPs? We have to consider this possibility and be very thorough when considering your request.
(3) Compensating for their part of the electricity bill - this was one of the items we wanted to discuss in detail with them.

Wong, we didn't say no, we just didn't have enough information to say yes.

I believe the MC is open for ideas that will benefits the residents.


seanoon said...

Hi Kenny,

Your comment refers:-

"It is also my experience with the mgt that the committee members are not receptive to any proposals put up by residents. They are only interested in issues initiated by the members."

Why don't you post your "surat layang" on what you propose for car parks in OBD here so that people can see how you propose to "solve" the parking problem.

The reason is so that we can debate this constructively.

Kenny are you aware of DBKL laws surrounding the number of Visitor Car Parks to number of resident units? Your suggestion giving these Visitor Carpark to residents on rental basis will violate some DBKL bylaw.

Personally, I'm annoyed at your letter. It wasn't simply some suggestions. It contains a few accusations about the MC and even then the MC discussed the content of your letter at length and replied your letter.

Kenny what have you done for OBD?

Its so easy to complain isn't it? Why don't you step up and volunteer to do something instead?

seanoon said...

Hi Shanti,

Would you be kind enough to help to administer the Face Book's group. It can be a really suitable platform for OBD community social networking.

The URL for face Book group for "OBD Garden Tower Condominium Taman Desa Malaysia" as follows.


shanthi s said...

Dear Sean,

I had no knowledge of the fb group till 2 days ago, hence this blog.I also have no issues helping to administer the fb group. The workings/organisation of the fb group has to be clear though, because questions posed by residents/owners will probably require answers by council members and my being outside council, you may find me to be of little use in alleviating that burden for you. And that is also why I have consciously presented this blog as a personal one, so that there is no possibility of misunderstanding that my writings represent council's views (I humbly recognise council may not wish to be associated with my writings!)

All that said, it is still great that the fb group has already been set up and thank you for sharing the url (after a year - what took y'all so long!). I will join as member. And I hope persons who have left comments on my blog, will join the fb group as well (do they need to register with fb first?) I will also help administer - no issues.

I was a little uncomfortable with Kenny's comment but was very glad he did not respond to the nudge by anonymous to get personal. But now this.
Can I once again ask that comments be focused on the issues and not personalities. I would not like to have to impose screening/moderation of comments as I've stated clearly the ethical parameters to leaving comments on this blog.

Anonymous said...

Hi Shanthi,

Thanks for this blog. By the way everyone, her name is spelt as Shanthi and not Shanti.

1. ISP issue - I used Maxis 3.5 G wireless broadband before (gets disconnected so often)and I have switched to Celcom broadband now. The problem is still there. Will connectivity be better with ISP and at competitive rates too???

2. I totally agree with Shanthi that residents' suggestions and comments be focused on issues at hand and not on personalities. It can really get ugly.

2. Anyone interested in recycling bins for the condo? We can really get everyone involved, esp. the kids. Maybe the proceeds can go into a special "OBD Kid Fund", funding activities for them. I don't know about you all but my household does churn up a fair bit of recyclable stuff every week.

I think the management has a recycling drive once every 3 - 4 months? Maybe more suitable only for the bigger items. Keeping the recyclable stuff esp. newspapers
till the 3rd Sunday of the month (there is a collection centre at Taman Desa park)gets to be too much.

Anyone for recycling bins???

seanoon said...

Hi Shanti,

The FB was set up quite some time ago, but admittedly we didn't do much promotion about it. Much like your blog it is to facilitate social networking among OBD residents.

Regards blog or FB representing the MC's views, I'm of the opinion that neither. Views and opinions in these forums are of our own without prejudice to the MC. Thus these channels are informal.

Shanthi, over the 2 years of being in the MC, we have received suggestions, complaints (both by residents against management and management against residents) and of course there are always feedbacks.

My personal view is that there are at least 2 types of feedbacks - constructive and destructive. Recently there was a feedback on children play ground. It is driven by good intentions and care for the welfare of the children of OBD. I really like this kind of feedback. As in any community there are those who criticize with dubious intentions and without first seeking to understand the issues first. This is at best annoying.

Considering that the MC is made up of volunteers with constraints on their time, it was decided that if a resident writes to us formally, we will discuss and reply.

The MC has also called in residents to discuss issues. An example of this would be, during the early days of the proximity card access for vehicles, we had a situation whereby a resident argued and threatened the guards. Now, this is at best a discourteous resident and at worst he may have just committed a crime of perhaps criminal intimidation. As a responsible MC, we took the careful road of meeting up with the resident to hear his point of view and also to establish whether he harbors any criminal intentions. I'm happy to report that the matter was amicably resolved without police action.

My point being, a lot goes on in our community and a lot is put on the MCs shoulders.

The MC are nominated and voted in by the residents. We are not the "enemy". We are owneers and residents much like you. It makes sense to support your MC.

In summary all I'm asking of the residents are that WE work together.


Stupid Gomen said...

Dear Residence,

I paid a 2% downpayment to secure a unit recently on the 10th floor and this was handled by ORIENTAL REALTY. Eventually I found out that the agent was working hand in hand with one person by the name of WILLIAM (Management Office) who is suppose to get a cut out of this deal (is this corruption?) The deal fell through as they kept giving excuses that the owner (in Japan) has not signed yet but I suspect this has to do with someone else offering a higher price. Legally as long as the owner has not sign, I can't do much but wait. After almost 2 months I was fed up and requested back my deposit. There's no was no way that buyers will be protected but in the event the buyer does not come out with the balance 8% after signing within 2 weeks, the 2% will be forfeited. In fact the 2% will be pocketed by the agent upon signing (by both parties) as their fees, so either way the agent gets their commission. This goes to show the lousy system with have and we are at the mercy of the agent and unscrupulous middle men (in this case William)

Stupid Gomen said...

Dear Residence,

I paid a 2% downpayment to secure a unit recently on the 10th floor and this was handled by ORIENTAL REALTY. Eventually I found out that the agent was working hand in hand with one person by the name of WILLIAM (Management Office) who is suppose to get a cut out of this deal (is this corruption?) The deal fell through as they kept giving excuses that the owner (in Japan) has not signed yet but I suspect this has to do with someone else offering a higher price. Legally as long as the owner has not sign, I can't do much but wait. After almost 2 months I was fed up and requested back my deposit. There's no was no way that buyers will be protected but in the event the buyer does not come out with the balance 8% after signing within 2 weeks, the 2% will be forfeited. In fact the 2% will be pocketed by the agent upon signing (by both parties) as their fees, so either way the agent gets their commission. This goes to show the lousy system with have and we are at the mercy of the agent and unscrupulous middle men (in this case William)